Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire sets stage for Minnesota GC 2003
It looks like the issue of authorising a rite of blessing for same-sex unions might be decided in a bigger way than could ever have been imagined this summer at the site of the convention that approved women's ordination.
Here is the appropriate section that all elected Bishop's must declare their support for:
Constitution, Article VIII Declaration:
No person shall be ordained and consecrated Bishop, or ordered Priest or Deacon to minister in this Church, unless at the time, in the presence of the ordaining Bishop or Bishops, the person shall subscribe and make the following declaration:
I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Episcopal Church.
The questions facing the Minnesota General Convention are: What do the Holy Scriptures mean for the Episcopal Church? What is the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Episcopal Church (and Anglican Communion) that one needs to be in conformity with to be in communion with their wider church?
Since "Bishop" John Spong and "Fr." Matthew Fox have resolved the questions for many theological doctrines (Original Sin, the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, and the Trinity), it's not hard to imagine that this election was engineered as a Machiavellian plot by the "CTB" crowd to declare definitively the ECUSA's collective thought on Scripture, doctrine, discipline, and lifestyles that are morally compatible with Scripture.
Imagine the scenario: After what promises to be a heated debate, the Bishop's election is ratified at convention with the main argument (at this exercise of democratic church governance) appealing to the ideals of squalid democracy.
Liberté, fraternité, et égalité! VIVE LA FRANCE!
(As if we didn't have enough reasons to hate the French.)
What could possibly restrain an overwhelmingly affirmative vote on the rite of blessing if the election of an open and non-celibate homosexual bishop is upheld as valid?
My response to all the seismic events now taking place within the Anglican Communion: God Bless The Magisterium!
It looks like the issue of authorising a rite of blessing for same-sex unions might be decided in a bigger way than could ever have been imagined this summer at the site of the convention that approved women's ordination.
Here is the appropriate section that all elected Bishop's must declare their support for:
Constitution, Article VIII Declaration:
No person shall be ordained and consecrated Bishop, or ordered Priest or Deacon to minister in this Church, unless at the time, in the presence of the ordaining Bishop or Bishops, the person shall subscribe and make the following declaration:
I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Episcopal Church.
The questions facing the Minnesota General Convention are: What do the Holy Scriptures mean for the Episcopal Church? What is the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Episcopal Church (and Anglican Communion) that one needs to be in conformity with to be in communion with their wider church?
Since "Bishop" John Spong and "Fr." Matthew Fox have resolved the questions for many theological doctrines (Original Sin, the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, and the Trinity), it's not hard to imagine that this election was engineered as a Machiavellian plot by the "CTB" crowd to declare definitively the ECUSA's collective thought on Scripture, doctrine, discipline, and lifestyles that are morally compatible with Scripture.
Imagine the scenario: After what promises to be a heated debate, the Bishop's election is ratified at convention with the main argument (at this exercise of democratic church governance) appealing to the ideals of squalid democracy.
Liberté, fraternité, et égalité! VIVE LA FRANCE!
(As if we didn't have enough reasons to hate the French.)
What could possibly restrain an overwhelmingly affirmative vote on the rite of blessing if the election of an open and non-celibate homosexual bishop is upheld as valid?
My response to all the seismic events now taking place within the Anglican Communion: God Bless The Magisterium!
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