Michael Schiavo: Bigamist or AdultererChronicle openly hostile to religious and conservative viewpointsFrom the 2003 Archives of NEW RIGHT PUBLICATIONS' Realm Of Misanthropy:In the Oct. 29 column “
A vegetative state is bad,” Craig Froehlich and The Daily Utah
Chronicle continue their murderous assault on the culture of life and proclaim their dogmatic obedience to a culture of death constructed on the graves of immediate gratification, egoism, materialism, and other objectively disordered behaviors.
secularist vision of reality robs the human being of the inalienable rights and intrinsic dignity granted to every person from conception to natural death because this kind of utilitarian society declares certain individuals to be inconvenient or undesirable.
What is this legal fiction that a common law bigamist and adulterer is permitted to claim the rights of guardianship and inheritance over a medically disabled person and their estate? Why are the claims about this allegedly oral Living Will only coming from the inheritor or his agents? All Living Wills that I have seen prohibit a person's beneficiary from acting as witness to the execution of those same documents.
Why hasn't Michael Schiavo been brought up on charges of common law bigamy or adultery? Why are Michael Schiavo and his agents permitted to redefine the term "
persistent vegetative state" in such a way as to include people with the physical and vocal ability of a Stephen Hawking, Terry Wallis, or Christopher Reeve? The only things that separate Stephen Hawking, Terry Wallis, and Christopher Reeve from Terri Schindler are the time and money invested in the requisite physical therapy, mobility devices, and communications devices that have permitted those gentlemen to partially recover (to the degree that they have) from their respective disabilities. Interestingly enough, Michael was supposed to have used Terri's monetary awards for malpractice in furtherance of those goals of rehabilitation.
Furthermore, he has abused his position as legal guardian by his dramatic insistence that his first wife be cremated upon death to prevent any postmortem examination. He has some nerve to contradict the wishes of a devout Roman Catholic. (A Monsignor asserted her disposition in the faith when he was denied admittance to administer the Last Rites.) Traditional Roman Catholics eschew the very subject of cremation. It has only been since the modernizing winds of Vatican II blew threw the sanctuaries that cremation was permitted as a possibility for reasons of economy. One has to wonder the ulterior motives behind his dictatorial demands.
To aid in his efforts to kill his first wife, Michael Schiavo and his agents of death have been pursuing a demonic reconstruction of our language: Mentally disabled quadriplegics or paraplegics are now considered to be in a persistent vegetative state. Providing nourishment in the form of a liquid diet is not to be considered as care for comfort, but medical treatment to prolong life akin to an artificial heart and lungs machine. If we must refer to human beings with the dehumanizing term of
vegetable, then it should refer to people with anatomical systems that would stop without a machine. The term
vegetable should never be used to refer to a person in a minimally conscious or wakeful state. The fact that Terri responds in such a minimal way to external stimuli
without rehabilitation speaks volumes
about what she might be able to accomplish with the appropriate treatment. Life support machines control the function and power of organs. Food provides the nourishment for healthy and functioning organs. If Terri Schindler was truly in an authoritative and verifiable persistent vegetative state, then no amount of nutrition and hydration could prevent a person without working nervous and cardio-pulmonary systems from dying.
The New York Times proclaimed, "True respect for life includes recognizing not just when it exists, but when it ceases to be meaningful." This philosophy is why we get judicial majorities to assert that when a pregnancy is not meaningful to a mother, the child can be ripped from her womb. Leaders of the Third Reich used similar rationales for mandatory euthanasia of mentally and physically disabled persons. The definition as manufactured by The New York Times distorts our role in the creation of life: God is the author of life and we are the procreators. The question is not whether life ceases to be meaningful for the individual or society, but for God.